Guest speaker Paul Allwood, Assistant Commissioner of Health in MN, delivered an inspiring message (see separate blog post). Dr. Gary Johnson showed pictures and video while telling about the mission of RHCI’s work in Tikonko.
Awards were given to Boynton Health for their outstanding support, to Jim Leslie for his work as a Board Member, to Gary and Sandra Johnson for their work in Tikonko in 2016-17, and to special volunteer Julie Riportella for her five years of running a successful bowling event to benefit RHCI.
The “Bucket Raffle” was new this year. Thank you to the many donors of items for the raffle, and to the volunteers who ran the raffle. The program concluded with the talented Sierra Leone Youth Dance Performance.
Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, donated, spoke, danced, and in any way helped with the success of the evening.