RHCI + One Day's Wages
RHCI has been awarded another $60,000 grant from One Day’s Wages, enabling us to sustain vital programs and expand our reach.
To unlock these funds, we need your help to raise half of the amount required. To ensure your gift qualifies for the matching opportunity, please donate directly through the One Day’s Wages platform or by check made out to One Day’s Wages.
This way, every dollar you contribute will be matched, doubling the impact of your generosity.
Double the impact of your generosity!
More Ways to Give
1. By PayPal
2. Venmo us @RHCI-SL
3. Send us a check by mail to:
Rural Health Care Initiative
P.O. 14822
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Mbao-Mi Circle of Hope
Thank you to our generous recurring donors!