Traditional Birth Attendants in front of the new Birth Waiting Home in Tikonko
RHCI’s major Sierra Leone accomplishments in 2017
- Construction of Birth Waiting Home in Tikonko completed, set to open in January, with Ribbon Cutting ceremony on January 13th, 2018.
- More than 2500 children and adults treated at the Outreach Motorbike clinics
- Fifty community health care workers received training in January
- Gary Johnson provided medical care to hundreds of people in great need
- The RHCI Toyota Hilux transported many people, including RHCI staff and people in need of more advance medical care
- The remote village health clinics of Kassama and Sebehun were added to RHCI’s system of monthly clinic support (medications and medical supplies)
- The nutrition/farming program advanced with formation of a Farm-based organization, introduction of PICS storage bags, planting fruit trees and a huge vegetable garden.
- RHCI now has six amazing hard-working in-country staff members
Minnesotans planning to attend the Birth Waiting Home Opening Ceremony include RHCI Board members Alice Karpeh and Carol Nelson (possibly Gary Johnson too), as well as Lahai Ansumana and Pastor Neil Craigan from First Presbyterian Church in White Bear Lake. This event will be an important milestone for the organization.
Here in the USA, we are blessed with abundance. At this time of year, we hope you will consider a gift to RHCI to further its work among the people with the greatest health needs in the world.