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Connecting with our Stakeholders

By August 26, 2020August 31st, 2020No Comments

RHCI Zoom-Fest Summer 2020

Thank you to all of the Zoomfest guests in July and August.  Billed as a way to connect with our U.S. stakeholders, the Zoomfest production shared up to date information about our four key program areas and generated interesting questions.

The COVID-19 pandemic situation was updated with the good news that so far Sierra Leone has not been hit as hard as many other countries, despite the sad death of Dr. Vandi Sombie in May.  In fact, as of the end of August, only 2,003 cases were confirmed with 69 deaths.  Under-testing and under-reporting are likely.

RHCI staff members from Tikonko shared information by video about their work and challenges they are facing.  Questions were raised about availability of medications, especially malaria meds,  at the Mbao-mi Mothers’ Home and Mobile Outreach Clinics.  This concern is being addressed with increased funding for medication stock-outs.

In the spirit of transparency and accountability, the 2019-2020 financial statement was shared, with revenue of $211, 392 and expenses of $169,691.  Our major expenses are medical supplies, food including therapeutic food for children, vehicle expenses and salaries/stipends for Sierra Leone staff.  53% of our revenue is from individuals, 27% from grants and foundations, 8%-corporations, 6%-churches and 6% in-kind donations of medical supplies.

All in all, Zoomfest provided an avenue to meet safely with our Minnesota supporters, and hear from our Sierra Leonean staff members.  Zoomfest also provided a trial run for what will be our premiere fall event:  The Fall Virtual Fundraiser on November 1, 2020.  Mark your calendar!  More information will be available soon.

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