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Meet our Tikonko Staff-Allieu Jongopie

By September 6, 2021No Comments

Allieu Jongopie, Finance and Technical Director, has been with RHCI since its inception. He is and has been critical to the success of the operation.  You can find Allieu in his office at the start of the day, and still working hard at the end of the day. His responsibilities are many and include working on the financial accounts, including petty cash, talking to the drivers about mileage and fuel costs, paying bills, ordering and inventorying supplies, supporting the needs of other staff members and troubleshooting issues that affect the Birth Waiting Homes.

Allieu and Volunteer Len Pattky

Allieu and Volunteer Len Pattky in Tikonko, January 2020

He is open and approachable, and a good resource for questions and support. Allieu works closely with Manley Jongopie, RHCI In-Country Director and other staff members in Tikonko.  He stays connected, mostly through email, with members of the board of directors in the US and other resources to keep things running, technology supported, finances balanced, and accounts in good standing.

Allieu is married to Francess; they are the proud parents of 4 children: Francis, Alfred, Augustine and John. RHCI is fortunate indeed to have Allieu on their leadership team, supporting the birth waiting homes and their objectives in Sierra Leone.

~Written by Voluntrer, Len Pattky~

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