Lamin Foray, Board Member, at with child being treated at Mobile Outreach Clinic

Volunteers donating supplies to Nurses and Staff a rural Health Clinic

Nursing staff with Newborn
Visiting the Sembehun Tarbema and Kassama Health Clinics in Tikonko Chiefdom
An RHCI team from the USA traveled to Sierra Leone in February, bringing supplies and trainings to help strengthen the work of our dedicated RHCI Staff in the Tikonko Chiefdom. We were greeted on February 12th by a large group of community health workers and the RHCI staff at the Mbao-mi Mothers’ Home in Tikonko.
The team was gratified to see the progress in all of our programs, and the impact of RHCI’s work on the communities in which we are serving in partnership with the local health care centers.
A series of upcoming blog posts will provide more information. A summary includes:
- Continuation of the Basic OB Ultrasound training for 8 health care providers.
- Baby supplies for the Birth Waiting Homes
- Helping Babies Breathe training (2 all-day sessions) for 20 people
- Meetings and trainings with our hard working staff
- Visit to Njala University Agriculture program
- Meetings at the remote villages of Kassama and Sembehun Tarbema and supplying them with medication from MAP International.
- Attending the graduation of seven students from the RHCI Tailoring Program
- Meetings with the District Medical Team, Bo Children’s Hospital, Mercy Hospital in Bo and Bo Government Hospital to further our ongoing partnership with each of them.
- Assessing the progress of the newborn home visit program and the immunization update program.
- Delivering solar and rechargeable lights and other items

Volunteers and staff at the Mabo-mi Birth Waiting Home
Team members included RHCI Board Members Julie Hoffer, Marie Stodolka, Carol Nelson and Lamin Foray, and returning volunteer Alexa Hoffer. Jenna Menne, an ultrasonographer, was part of the team as were two new volunteers, Riley Delude and Nick Gaines, former Peace Corps Volunteers in Tikonko. Each team member paid for their own trip and RHCI covered expenses for the ultrasonographer.
Thank you to our in-country staff for their hospitality and extra work while we were with them. And a very special thanks to our donors, who continue to make our work with mothers, babies and children possible. Together we are making a big difference for the people of Tikonko Chiefdom. Bika-ka! Thank you!