Staff in Tikonko

Staff in Gondama
Written by Dr. Carol Nelson-RHCI’s Volunteer Medical Director and Board Member
The year 2023 was a year filled with both accomplishments and challenges for Rural Health Care Initiative (RHCI), marked by a steadfast commitment to advancing rural health care systems in Sierra Leone.
Accomplishments in Sierra Leone include:
- Continuation of One Day’s Wages grant activities including Newborn Home Visit Nurse Program, EPI/Defaulter Vaccine Update Program; support for Outreach Clinics, Malnutrition Program and child hospitalizations.
- Malaria grant activities including Insecticide Treated Net distribution throughout the Tikonko Chiefdom; Training of 6 Community Health Workers (CHWs) who are now equipped for diagnosing and treating malaria in their villages; Training of larger group of CHWs on malaria and bed nets
- Two Birth Waiting Homes continuing to be busy with pregnant and postpartum women and babies, education, food, and other activities.
- Mobile Outreach Clinics have increased in the number of children seen, plus expansion of support to include the villages of Kassama and Sembehun Tabema outreach to 8 remote villages.
- Child Malnutrition Program is ongoing, serving approximately 80 children/month.
- Agriculture activities in collaboration with expertise from Njala University; training of women at Mbao-mi and working with the Farmer Based Organizations.
- Expansion of transportation services to the Gondama area, with two drivers and one truck stationed in Gondama.
- Building of garage to house the truck in Gondama. Repair of storm damaged garage in Tikonko.
- Re-roofing of the walkway between buildings due to rusting and leakage.
- Basic Obstetric Ultrasound training continued in February and September. Trained staff continue to do the ultrasounds and are improving.
- Helping Babies Breathing training sessions (2) in February with 18 Health Care workers.
- Tailoring program graduation of 7 students. Ongoing tailoring program with up to 15 students.
- 11 barrels and 5 suitcases of medical and baby supplies donated and shipped from the USA.
- Midwife kits donated from Direct Relief to the Gondama and Tikonko Community Health Center for 400 deliveries.
- Major increase in the number of critically ill children transported to Bo Children’s Hospital with transportation and funds for care provided by RHCI.
- Memorandum of Understanding developed with Bo Maternity Hospital regarding RHCI transferred patients, and RHCI’s provision of the necessary supplies for their hospital stay including agreement with Cotton Tree Pharmacy for medications and with the Blood Bank.
- Received supply from Vitamin Angels including prenatal vitamins, Vitamin A and Albendazole.
Thank you to our in-country staff whose hard work and dedication make RHCI’s accomplishments possible.

RHCI Board of directors with founder Alice Karpeh at the Taste of Africa
Accomplishments in the US:
- Taste of Africa event successful event with great participation; Many table sponsors and other sponsors. Alice Karpeh and Lamin Foray were the main speakers. Many board members and volunteers participating.
- Active committees and other teams met many times to do the work of RHCI: Agriculture/Food Security Committee, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Communications Committee, Event Committee, Medical Advisory Committee, ODW Grant Committee, Malaria grant group, Ultrasound review group, and others.
- One Day’s Wages grant renewal for three years.
- Grant from Berglund Family Foundation received, plus Langeloth Foundation Grant and Improving Chances Foundation.
- Malaria grant awarded through Rotary Malaria Partners International in partnership with the Bo Rotary Club; Activities started August 2023
- Other successful fundraising activities: Nick Gaines Bike Across Iowa, Marie Stodolka’s presentation at Presbyterian Women of the Twin Cities, Carol’s WBUUC church presentation, Shari Milliano’s Dance fundraiser, Mother’s Day appeal, Give to the Max Day, Year-end appeal (in progress).
- Board Strategic planning and 6 regular board meetings.
- Organization of 11 barrels and 5 suitcases and their contents, shipped via Salone shipping; Major contribution and assistance from First Presbyterian church.
- 990 and MN Attorney General Reports completed and filed. Secretary of State report filed.
- Updating RHCI to the Platinum level on Guide Star (a charity review organization).
The following RHCI Board members and guests traveled to Tikonko Chiefdom, Sierra Leone in 2023:
Ajayi Nicol, Marie Stodolka, Lamin Foray, Julie Hoffer, Carol Nelson, Jenna Menne (ultrasound trainer), Komba Fayia, Alexa Hoffer, Peter Gogra and Alan Hoffer (brother of Julie). Alice Karpeh RHCI founder, lived in Tikonko for 9 months of the year and participated in oversight and monitoring activities.
Thank you for the many hours of dedicated service from the board members and other volunteers who make RHCI a successful organization with an impressive impact in the Tikonko Chiefdom. And thank you to everyone who has made a financial donation that makes RHCI’s work possible. Together we are making a difference and helping the world become a better place.