RHCI Board of Directors Picture from December 2017
At the June 23 RHCI board of directors meeting, the strategic plan for the coming year was approved, with tentative plans for the following two years. This plan includes ongoing support for the current five programs including the Mbao-mi Mothers’ Home, Outreach Motorbike clinics, support for three clinics in the Tikonko Chiefdom, training for the Community Health Workers, and the agriculture/nutrition program.
The 6th program planned is a Children’s Health Program, with a special focus on young children and babies. A committee was formed to work on development of the program, including a partnership with Bo Rotary Children’s Hospital, transportation of critically ill children and babies to Bo for treatment, strengthening of the malaria and vaccination programs in the chiefdom, and a major focus on childhood malnutrition.
Other committees formed are the 2018 Communications and Marketing Committee and the 2018 Fund Development Committee. The 2018-19 budget was introduced with further discussion to follow.
Two summer interns have been selected. Meena M will focus on the monitoring and evaluation of the Mbao-mi Mothers’ Home and the Outreach Motorbike clinics. Thao Hoang will work on the development of the Children’s Health Program and promotion of the program.