Looking back at 2020, we at Rural Health Care Initiative have mixed emotions—Joy–for the many accomplishments and progress, but –Sadness— for the setbacks and losses due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We mourn the loss of Dr. Vandi Sombie, Bo Children’s Hospital. Dr. Sombie died of COVID-19 in May 2020.
We are celebrating the following accomplishments as we lay the groundwork for coming year:
Expansion of RHCI’s Child Malnutrition program to 10 villages under the direction of a skilled nutritionist; Over 200 children received monthly supplies of RUTF (Ready to Use Therapeutic Food) and nutrition education for their parents.
Collaboration with Midwives on Missions of Service to train 26 Community Health Workers in the Gondama Health Center catchment area.
Completion of the Birth Waiting Home, kitchen, latrine and barrie in Gondama, opening during the final week of December (a partnership with the US Embassy in Sierra Leone and Friends of Sierra Leone-former Peace Corps Volunteers).
Successful operations of the mobile outreach clinics to 8 villages, serving over 400 children and pregnant women each month.
Ongoing operations of the Birth Waiting Home in Tikonko, Mbao-mi Mothers’ Home, with reduced services in May, June and July due to the COVID lockdown restrictions, but now back in full service.
Donations of medical and baby supplies (10 barrels and 3 large suitcases) from Minnesota for the Birth Waiting Homes and Health Clinics with which we collaborate.
Advancement of Food Security planning for the RHCI land, with a team of experts in MN and Sierra Leone.
And many more; Go back through the previous blogs to review more pictures and details of 2020!
Back in Minnesota, we are thankful for the dedication of the Board of Directors, the many generous donors, volunteers and friends of RHCI who make our work and RHCI’s impact possible. And to our staff in Sierra Leone, we extend the greatest appreciation for their hard work and dedication to the mission of RHCI and improving the lives of rural Sierra Leoneans.
We end the year with gratitude to each of you as we look forward to continuing and expanding our work in the Tikonko Chiefdom, empowering families with the health they need to have success and happiness. Rural Health Care Initiative is making a difference.
Click here to see the map of RHCI’s service area: RHCI Service Area 2020 edits
Families in the remote village of Julian on the Sewa River