We can all agree that no woman should have to walk for hours to reach a health care facility, especially when she is in labor. However, this is commonplace in rural Sierra Leone where RHCI has been working. There's never been a better time to support RHCI. The walls of the Birth Waiting Home are up and now we need to "Raise the Roof." Your support today will save the lives of mothers and babies in Tikonko, Sierra Leone.Please check out our crowdfunding page at bit.ly/RHCIRaiseTheRoof. View our video and consider a gift of $25, $50, $100, or more. And, share our effort with your network on Facebook, twitter and email.Mothers and babies are dying needlessly in Sierra Leone. Your support today will give many women and babies the access to health care they need and the healthy lives they deserve.
No mother should die giving birth. Please share our campaign and donate through bit.ly/RHCIRaiseTheRoof.
Thank you for your support!